Mums & Bubs First Aid
Mums & Bubs First Aid
It can be a scary experience having your first child, thats why this course was created. We want you to feel safe around your baby without worrying if you are doing something the wrong way. We teach you to recognise signs and symptoms of injuries and illnesses. This course has been specifically created for mums, mums to be and fathers. It is guaranteed that you leave feeling safe, equipped with the knowledge on how to look after your little one. The 3 hour course will be run by trained paramedics to ensure all your questions are answered in an easy to learn environment. This course is suited for parents with children aged from 0-14.
3 hour course
Course overview
The 3 hour course will include the following:
Cardio pulmonary resuscitation
Child trauma including head injuries
Major bleeding
Anaphylaxis and allergic reactions
Croup, asthma and epiglottitis
Febrile convulsions
When to go to hospital? How to go to hospital?
You will also have the opportunity to ask any questions you wish.
All materials will be provided on the day